Hey Facebook… I’m lookin’ at you, Mr. Zuckerberg… your product is pretty good, but needs help. I have three things that should be easy peasy for you to fix, because I think you do them on purpose. Let’s get started..
Put things in order. News feed and notifications, both. Skeptical Ken says you do this on purpose because you want people to be confused and stumbling around the site. You want them spending more time, doing more clicks, that appeals to advertisers, and so on. It also makes you look incompetent, even though it’s deviously brilliant. If Social Fixer can put the news feed in order, so can you, and you know it.
Stop notifying me when people I don’t know do something. Whenever I comment on a friend’s thread I get notifications when people I don’t know… and don’t want to know… post as well. Let Annoyed Ken carefully phrase this so it’s crystal clear: I… don’t… care. I don’t even care if they post in response to my comment, or tag me by name. All it does it muck up my notifications, which I already have to navigate deftly because you refuse to put things in order. I don’t know these people, why should I care?
Give me a place to contact with questions… and get answers. And something easy and legit. How about an email address or a contact form. How about something where I can ask a question and get a human response with an answer? At least a legit place for me to complain about your shortcomings, with a real person reading them, even if you don’t respond. I know, I know, I know, nobody does this. Not Yahoo, not Google, not Microsoft. Be better.
There ya go. These three things would enhance my experience greatly. Please note that I did not suggest more privacy or that you don’t sell my information. We both know that will never happen.