This is a relatively new trend, primarily on social media, and it’s so utterly ridiculous. I’ve been inclined to blog about but have not been in the right place at the right time, but now I am now so here we go.
I’m reading Google News and see this “story”… ahem, advertisement, really… and I rolled my eyes. Today’s dumb example is about IHOP putting a pancake on a hamburger. I see this type of thing all the time. Somebody says something, or does something, or tweets something, and it’s portrayed as people ‘freaking out’, or ‘going out of their mind’, or ‘going crazy’, or some other such similar bit of absurd hyperbole. And the supposedly outrageous and awesome things is always something completely not worthy of mention at all. I have never… ever… known of anyone to get so worked up over one of these misleading headlines. So please, stop with the eye roll inducing excessive overkill.
In this case, it just a burger with a pancake. 😐 So what? It’s not like the McRib came back, right Matt? (Inside joke)