In our daily travels we come across statements from businesses and corporations that, after time, simple aren’t believable anymore. You see or hear them for so long you know they can’t be legit. So let’s cut to the chase and list a few…
- Many years ago when I lived in Phoenix, Arizona, I would drive by this apartment complex every day. It was a three-story complex, and on the side near the top, at least 40 feet up, was a permanent “NOW RENTING” sign. It never moved, never was covered up, never was brought down… always there advertising apartments for rent. Now maybe they were saying an occupied apartment was an apartment they were “renting”, but that seems a tad deceptive. Playing fast and loose with the intent of the phrase. <shrug>
- I have been going to my doctor for over 12 years now. Whenever I call I get the following message, “Please pay attention, as our menu options have recently changed.” 😐 Except they haven’t. Ever.
- A common lunch for me is to order a sandwich and have it delivered to my work. It cheap and convenient… well, it’s convenient. The sandwiches aren’t groundbreaking, but they’re fine and I’m lazy, so it all works out. They’re a national chain and their website says, “We are currently running longer than normal delivery times.“, for every store, every day, at all hours. It’s a permanent message. It’s a meaningless message.
The apartment complex wants people to apply even if they’re full. The doctor’s office wants you to listen because too many people don’t. And the sandwich shop wants to be able to say, “We warned you it might take longer.” if something goes awry.
Problem is, messages like this do more harm then good. Not unlike the boy who cried wolf, spread false information enough and no one believes you anymore.